The project
Greening and digitalizing pharmaceutical manufacturing is one of the grand challenges of Europe's pharma-industry. It offers a significant opportunity to boost productivity, improve competitiveness and reduce the industry large environmental footprint. Current progress is impaired by shortage of trained engineers and scientists, who can design green and digital pharmaceutical processes. GreenDigiPharma focuses on addressing these skills gaps, and will deliver a cohort of highly-skilled and trained PhD graduates that can lead the green and digital transformation of the pharmaceutical manufacturing, both in academic and industrial environments. The consortium brings together 7 universities, 1 research center, and associated members from academia and industry. This will address urgent topics in continuous green manufacturing and develop greener routes to prepare pharmaceutical products, promoting the adoption of novel technologies (flow synthesis instead batch methods, heterogeneous nano and biocatalysis in lieu of homogeneous catalysts, renewable carbon sources, novel purification methods, digitalization tools) for sustainable manufacturing.