Marko Božinović
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
University of Ljubljana
Večna pot 113
SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
My Background
I was born in Zagreb, Croatia, where I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies in chemical engineering at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Technology. During my studies, I published two papers together with co-authors and in 2022 I was awarded with Rector’s award. From February 2021 to February 2022, I worked as an expert content contributor for Quizlet where I was also awarded as the top contributor in the field of chemistry in 2021.
My Project
The goal of my PhD project is to develop more eco-friendly pharmaceutical production methods and to promote the use of novel methods. Different techniques of immobilization of selected biocatalysts and their application in microflow systems for valorisation of bio-based compounds will be studied. Single step and cascade reaction systems will be considered to obtain valorised products, while mathematical description of the selected process will be implemented for its optimization.